A voice for Druid chatbots

Together with our partner Druid, we developed a virtual assistant capable of taking voice commands in Romanian or English (and many others) and answering by voice in a maxium of 3 seconds, taking the experience of human-machine interaction to a completely different level.

By integrating the IT Assist solution, the Druid chatbot was able to convert an audio message into text, use identification algorithms to meet security requirements for access to the computer system, extract the desired information, convert it back into voice and answer the caller.

Druid allows companies to design and train smart virtual assistants to take the repetitive and time-consuming activities off the shoulders of employees, regardless of role or industry.

Destined to increase the productivity of large, Enterprise-type organizations, the new bot is based on a conversational engine powered by the most powerful technologies such as AI (Artificial Intelligence), NLU (Natural Language Understanding), ML (Machine Learning) or OCR (Optical Character Recognition). Thus, Druid chats offer simple and intelligent answers, using a multitude of communication channels, such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Skype, Slack, Microsoft Teams, WeChat, Twilio and many others.

In a world where information comes first, an always trained assistant is essential for you to be able to run your business successfully. And if he has a perfect memory, answers your questions immediately and is valid 24 hours a day, then you can't fail.

"Although we have over 5 billion mobile devices globally, 95% of users do not use their phones for voice but for sending messages. Basically, the mobile phone is not used today for the reason it was invented, namely voice communication. The voice through which we personalize Druid chatbots today brings not only a superior experience, but also quick information to any employee or client on the move, who cannot have a text conversation” says Bogdan Dodu, CEO of IT Assist.

In less than 1 year since its launch, Druid already has clients such as Banca Transilvania, Raiffeisen Leasing, BCR Leasing, Asirom, ProTV, Regina Maria Health Network, Servier or Dona Pharmacies.

About Us

IT Service Provider, with a focus on Managed Services, Cloud and Information Technologies. Microsoft Partner with multiple GOLD and SILVER certifications.

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Phone: +40 21-9931
